Lawrence Township School Student Foundation plans annual Night with the Stars event for elementary students

Each year, elementary students from schools all over the district get together to have a fun, interactive learning experience with the high school students at the Learning Education and Career Center, LECC.
On Nov. 4, members of the Lawrence Township School Student Foundation, LTSSF, will host the event, Night With The Stars, for elementary students. It is held, annually, to help provide them with early insight into what their future as a middle school student, high school student and beyond, might look like and all the possibilities in store for them.
“I think Night with the Stars is so important because it allows the children in the district to be able to comfortably and safely explore their interests and get to see first hand what experiences they may be able to have when they get to middle school and high school,” senior member, Anne Hofmann, said. “Besides the fact that it’s a fun way to get various members of the community together, it highlights that our township’s children have opportunities and that those opportunities are right in front of them. Exposing them to their options is so essential to building passion for their futures.”
The student members are more than extra hands in these events. Students are in charge of running the even with some help from their advisors. The event gives the members firsthand experience into what it’s like to organize a full scale fundraiser event. It teaches them the value of being organized and responsible in the adult world.
“They run with it. We’re just here to facilitate and make sure that everything’s in place that needs to be in place in order to ensure a successful event,” LTSSF supervisor Barb Austin said. “They plan everything, they’ll gather everything, they execute everything.”
Since its inception in 2008, the LTSSF have been proactive in aiding their community through their various events and fundraisers, inside and outside the district’s schools, like “Night With The Stars”. The foundation also part takes in events such as Indy Do Day and Giving Tuesday. The club is also in charge of organizing the Prom Botique for LN and LC in the spring.
“LTSF is the Lawrence Township School Foundation. So it’s the adults of the foundation, but they thought, “we aren’t in the schools, we don’t know what the schools need,” so they need a student foundation which is what LTSSF is,” Other student co-president of LTSSF, senior Leetta Rainwater said.
The community and the school benefits from the foundations’ altruistic actions of goodwill, but they aren’t the only ones gaining something through these events.
“If anyone is looking for a way to give back to their community and become more involved in their township, they should definitely think about joining the LTSSF,” Hofmann said. “It’s introduced me to amazing people and given me valuable connections throughout the district and has shown me that volunteering can be so fun and rewarding. It’s amazing to volunteer and to be able to see the positive ripple effect it gives to my community.”