Celebrating Black History month by learning about the unsung heroes
“If we stand tall it is because we stand on the shoulders of many ancestors” -An African Proverb
For Aqueelah Gilbert, Black History Month isn’t all about the color of someone’s skin.
“We had inventors and all these successors that aren’t talked about, so Black History Month is a really great time to bring light to all the stuff that’s not in history books,” Gilbert said.
February is Black History Month, and Black Student Union (BSU) and Girls Empowered and Motivated to Succeed (GEMS) are partnering up to celebrate African-American heritage.
“The goal is to come alongside BSU as a partner in celebrating the lives and accomplishments of prominent African Americans in our culture,” Kelly Britton, GEMS adviser, said.
BSU is doing multiple activities that everyone can get involved in. They are having Cat’s Eye fun facts of the day where students can win prizes. There will also be a virtual wax museum that will be aired on Cat’s Eye, and also a spirit week where students will wear something each day to symbolize black culture through Feb.19-22.
GEMS are also going to participate in the fun fact of the day and also they will be having a free movie night with a surprise film on Feb. 20.
“Black Student Union’s goal for the Black History Month is to celebrate our history and our heritage and to educate not only ourselves but educate our school about the power of Black History Month,” Eddie Tucker, BSU adviser, said.
These clubs are not doing this for nothing. According to Tuesday Anderson, BSU adviser, there are several reasons for celebrating Black History Month.
“Ultimately our goal is to highlight the contributions of African Americans to our culture and society, and to foster a sense of pride for the students of our race and ethnicity, and to educate individuals in our building about the positive contributions by people of the African continent, and to signify we wouldn’t be where we are today from a medical, engineering, scientific perspective, without these individuals,” Anderson said.
This month is about celebrating black history, but it’s also about appreciating where people come from no matter the skin color or ethnicity.
“February is not only about black people it’s about everyone and how we can get along and love each other and learn about each other. We can make this school and society better together,” Tucker said.
Like Tucker, Gilbert believes black history is more about education.
“Look up the history. Don’t just say, ‘woo hoo, black people.’ Actually take the time to learn.”