Q&A with Foreign Exchange students: Paula Mateo Alcantare
Paula Mateo Alcantare – Spain
Why did you decide to become a foreign exchange student?
I didn’t really decide it. I got a scholarship.
Has this been like what you expected? What did you expect?
I expected to learn more about English. I wanted to meet a lot of different people and learn about other cultures.
What is different from your home country?
Here there is much more diversity than in my country and I feel like people are more friendly and the education system is really different too.
Was is hard to make the transition from your home country to America?
Not really because my host family is really similar to mine in like tastes and thoughts and stuff so it hasn’t been like a big change.
What do you think of the fact that LN has a strong exchange student program?
It’s good because I feel like people here love exchange students and everyone has been nice to me so far. People help a lot and that’s why they come here. The teachers are nice and everyone is so that’s why people come here.