PAC launches “Kind Initiative” project for March

Senior class president Edric Zeng belongs to the Principal’s Advisory Council (PAC). This club allows students to be the voice for the student body to the administration.

“The main function is that we are basically supposed to be the liaison between the administration and the students. We have meetings roughly once a month and we are supposed to give what we have gathered as the general consensus of the students like what the students are thinking and we report that or any particular issue that Crosoure might have that he wants students opinion on. We also plan. We do a lot of manpower for stuff like homecoming, freshman orientation and open houses. We have a lot of hype volunteers to run everything,” Zeng said.

PAC is composed of regular students and the student-elected class officers. They run projects and fundraisers for LN.

“There’s PAC and then there are the class officers. The class officers organize what we are going to do at each meeting. [Class officers] organize the projects and ask them for their input and their help with events like the talent show and fundraisers,” Zeng said.

This spring the senior class officers will be starting a new week long event focused on spreading kindness throughout the LN family. Zeng feels that it is important to spread the love especially since high school can be a difficult time for many students.

“The seniors are working on a week long sort of social campaign called ‘The Kind Initiative.’ It’s going to take place in March. In a nutshell the whole goal of the campaign is to spread active kindness because in the past year we have seen a lot of sad events like suicides. Teenage depression is a serious issue. It’s easy to just worry about ourselves sometimes so we just wanted to have a week where we really emphasised what we can do. So that is coming up the second week of March. We’ll have Instagram and we’ll have prizes so it’ll be a really fun,” Zeng said.

Anyone can join PAC, according to Zeng. They just need to fill out an application at the end of the year.

“We have a lot of PAC members. At the end of the year, usually in May, there are always applications in the front office. You need one teacher recommendation or something like that. Our sponsor will go through the applications and usually we’ll choose no more than 25 people per grade. Since freshman are not here they don’t get the application, but if they are still interest they can join they just have to talk to Mr. Harsha or find one of the class officers and give us their name so we can put them on our email list and they can come to our meeting. We could always use all the help we can get,” Zeng said.