Kind Initiative in action

J1 class collects examples of students participating in last week’s Kind Initiative

Lighten the load for others

Freshman Sonia Hart took the trays for her friends at lunch.

“I do this every day for my friends, and it’s really no big deal,” Hart said. She takes her friends’ trays at lunch not to get attention, but just to be kind.

“We should all at least try to be kind to people,” said Hart. Linsey Babrick is one of Hart’s friends and says that she appreciates all Hart does for her.


A helping hand

Freshman Omayralis Alomar goes out of her way to help out students carrying a lot of books by opening their lockers for them.

“I like helping out those who need it because you never know what they are going through,” Alomar said.

She is not new to helping others and she explains how she feels about this week.

“People should help out and be kind every day not just this week,” Alomar said.


Assisting with class preparation

During the LN Kind Initiative,  freshman John Strain was able to support the cause by loaning another student some of his pencil lead. The class had just started and there were plans to work on a worksheet. Another student arrived to class unprepared and began to panic before John was able to help out. The student had run out of lead and John sacrificed some his own lead and help the other student through their day.

“I didn’t want him to get a bad grade or anything and I wanted him to finish his work,” Strain said.

Strain said that his action of kindness was definitely influenced by the LN Kind Initiative going on around the school. He hopes to continue offering his acts of kindness around the school.



The Kind Initiative was brought upon the students of Lawrence North High School by the Principal’s Advisory Council. The objective was to bring more kindness to the Lawrence North community.

Freshman Brandon Petrisin decided to try and accomplish this goal. Petrisin was in his English 9 Honors class and was headed to the trash can. He launched his spearmint gum  into the trash can. He then began to head back to his seat when he noticed a white crumpled piece of paper laying on the floor, which he proceeded to recycle.

“I truly believe in making this school a better place, and picking up just a small piece of paper is a great way to do that,” Petrisin said.


Handing tests back

Friday morning in G1 Lyceum, freshman Grace Miller did an act of kindness. The class took a vocabulary test earlier this past week. English teacher Karen Comstock had graded the papers and was handing them back at a table in the back of the classroom. Instead of just taking her test and going back to her seat, Miller handed back all of the tests to the entire class while they were writing down their SAT vocabulary word.

“I was going to save everyone else the trouble of getting up,” Miller said.


Helping a friend back up

Kindness week in in effect at Lawrence North High School. Junior Shaliyah Sharp helped her friend Christine Walker up off the floor after she tripped and fell while she was walking into the Spanish room.

Sharp ran over and helped her up when she tripped.

“I helped her up because she was in need of assistance,” Sharp said.


Chromebook assistance

Junior Alonye Lane Oglesby helped a friend, junior Jordyn Payne, when she accidentally dropped her Chromebook on the floor in the library on Wednesday morning.

When asked why Alonye felt the need to help, she responded by saying, “Because she’s my friend.” When asked if her act of kindness was in the spirit of KIND Initiative week, or if it was just a common decency, Lane said, “It’s just something I do every day.”

Payne, when asked how she felt about recieving help from Lane, said that the kindness “made me feel special.”