Family reunions strengthen bonds and relationships. But families don’t need a large event to meet. A gathering as small as a family meal is known to promote stability and encourage attachment. Building connections and security are vital to a child’s development.
To me family gatherings are an important aspect in life. I feel like family gatherings can always cheer someone up if they’re in a dark place at that moment or if they’re upset about something at the time. They can always make someone feel better by being around people they’re comfortable with, people they trust, and people that bring them joy. I believe that family gatherings can reduce stress. It’s always nice to keep a connection with family and having these can help with that and they might be able to inspire you.
Spending time with family can help improve your mindset. According to Canada Pharmacy Online, “If you’re not happy, what’s all of this for? When you feel connected to your family through regular gatherings and family time, your mindset improves and it’s easier to embrace your joy.” Family gatherings can help lower the chances for depression. It doesn’t matter whether you are young or old, spending time with family can decrease anger, aggression and depression, according to the Canada Pharmacy Online. Bonds can become even stronger. “During our stressful, busy times of the year, it’s easy to let your family time slide. That’s why holiday gatherings can be so important.”
Reasons above show the ways and the effects that family meetings can have on a person who feels a way all the time. I feel like family gatherings should happen more and more throughout the world and more time throughout the year. Family gatherings shouldn’t just happen every holiday, it should be more and more at random times throughout the year.